Thursday, July 3, 2008

Stepping toward Self Sufficiency!

Greetings to you all! Yes, this is an exciting time for us. Instead of our desire to move, and to find a place some place else, we have decided to make it work here. Hallelujah! So now why the title, "Stepping toward Self Sufficiency"? Why, because we are making baby steps toward a life off the grid, where we can grow our own food, raise our own chickens for eggs and meat, trade for raw milk, and above all, get off the Electric Grid. Yeah, the life ahead looks like an exciting one!

But I don't have to tell you. I will show you. In this part one, you will see the stages that were made to bring about some amazing results!(More on that later)

First off, we had to build a fence. With a black lab/rotweiller mix puppy, we didn't want to take any chances of her messing up our very beautiful and hard working garden.
Then, Dad and the boys built the garden beds! Yep, that is them! Purdy, aren't they?
Oh, and then there was the tedious task of filling up the beds with wheelbarrow loads full of dirt.
Since it was late in the Season when we started, Mom and I decided we needed some starts, to start out with. So, we went to the local nursery and bought what we could find. There are in that box, Marigolds, three different kinds of lettuce, and some cabbage. Hmmm, I can already taste the salad, and Cole Slaw!
And we decided it wouldn't be proper to not have a garden without strawberry plants, so we got 16 strawberries, and planted them in the ground. Yumm, I can already taste them(next year)!

End of Part 1

Tune in later, for Part 2

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