Saturday, June 21, 2008

Surviving: A way of life!

Greetings to all of you from the Hines Family Homestead! Living here in Sequim, has it's advantages and it's disadvantages. For instance, our seasons are longer here, then anywhere else I know of. And also, I can ride bikes year round here, as well, thus saving on the ever increasing prices of gas.

This year, my family has decided to start really getting into the gardening aspect, especially market gardening. My Dad has decided to use the method of Square Foot Gardening. If you haven't heard of it, I suggest you take a look at it : This is by far the most efficient way of gardening, without it being a drudgery. I hate gardening alot, but with this method, we had learned to love it. Take a look see, and you will see what I mean!

We are also planning on getting chickens for meat and eggs. Raising farm fresh eggs holds a brighter candle to the store bought eggs. So much more flavorful, and nutrious! And our birds will be dual purpose, which means they will be used for meat as well as eggs.

All this is in preparation for our wanting to have a larger farm someday, and also, if the economy goes down, we will have a way to keep ourselves from starving. Learning to do without is a big issue as well, but we are learning that as well.

With the gas prices reaching as high as they are, we are spending more time, going to local country stores, and the dairy, and the produce stands, on our bikes. They are by far the cheapest mode of transportation. And guess what, you don't have to pay insurance for them and a licencing fee. Isn't that great? I thought so. I gave up looking for a car, since it would take all of any income I would earn, to pay for the car insurance and the gas to get me places. Now, I can get to the Library, 5 miles from where I live, on my bike, with a bike cart pulled behind. It is so awesome what you can do, to make do with the resourses you've got.

Anyway, enough of my ramblings! Here is what the Hines Family has been doing the last few months. I intend to write more, as I get time! Oh, and I will post pictures as well!

Have a great day in the Lord, and I hope He will bless you richly!

In Christ,
Laura Hines for the Hines Family Homestead!

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